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Fundamentos de Engenharia de Transportes (1 º Sem Ano Lectivo 2025)




  • Urban Transit: Operations, Planning, and Economics , Vuchic, Vukan R., 2005, 0000
  • Guidelines for the design of combi taxi facilities , Rontiris, K , 1989, 0000
  • International Experiences with Low Capacity Vehicles in Mass Transit Systems , Gwilliam, K , 2006, 0000
  • Sustainable Transport: A sourcebook for policy-makers in developing , s/a, 2003, 0000
  • Bus Rapid Transit. , s/a, s/a, 0000
  • Introduction to Transportation Engineering and Planning , Morlok, E.K. , 1978, 0000
  • Transportation Engineering: An Introduction (3a. ed.). , McGraw-Hill , 2003, 0000
  • Principles of Highway Engineergin and Traffic Analysis (3a. ed). , Prentice Hall.Mannering, F.L.; Kilareski, W.P. e Washburn, S.S. , 2005, 0000